
We are a group of researchers at Indiana Wesleyan University collaborating with our students and some select technical support people to create, and use, new ways of conducting behavioral research.

Much of what we have learned about ourselves through quantitative psychological studies has involved laboratory experiments and/or questionnaires.  These traditional methods came with limitations that have been long endured within psychological science.  Our work has evolved to address these limitations by developing new ways of conducting ecological momentary assessment (EMA).  EMA allows a more acute and ecologically valid way to study human life as it occurs, in everyday life and in real-time.  Currently, we have developed, and are using, an EMA app system that uses smartphone technology to “capture” peoples’ momentary experiences, states and activities.

Our first version of our smartphone app was called “iHabit.” Our second version was recently completed and offers a much more robust app as well as a self-serve web management back-end ideal for researchers and other users. Please visit our new website at www.LifeDatacorp.com where you can learn much more about this dynamic technology.

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