Discover and Apply

Here are some discoveries we’ve made about how humans grow and flourish, along with ways to apply them in your life. We have also created some tools to help you apply these discoveries, either by yourself or in groups.

How do we grow and make changes when it’s difficult?


Our personal relations can be our most prevalent source of stress or support.

When we are stressed, we are more impulsive and have less self-control. However, experiencing close supportive relationships increases positive emotions, thereby decreasing impulsivity and increasing self-control. This makes it easier to make good but difficult changes in our life.


Who, in your life, is supportive and cares how you are doing?

Find a time to spend 5 minutes thinking about 1-3 people you know who support and care for you and reflect on how they show that they care. Then, spend 5 minutes reflecting on some supportive and close groups and activities you participate in.

When can you participate in these next? Write this down and make a plan.


Use this QR code or link to download an app that will remind you to reflect on the
social support you have in life, cue you to support and care for others, and help you reflect on how this affects your impulsivity and self-control throughout the day.

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